Statement of Purpose
The Mountain Lake Vegetation Management Council was organized in 1955 and incorporated as a non-profit research and education group in 1967 in the Commonwealth of Virginia under chapter 2 of title 13.1 of the code of Virginia. The purpose of Mountain Lake, as stated in the by laws, are:
To promote improvement in the rights-of-way management, in particular, to encourage the further study and research in ecologically sound and aesthetic vegetation control and management, to analyze and disseminate information relating thereto, to encourage cooperation with other organizations whose interests parallel or complement those in this Council, and to represent the judgment of this organization in the matters of policy which affects rights-of-way
The Council, with direction from a Board of Directors and it’s membership, has endeavored to fulfill these guidelines through research studies on improved methods of vegetation control on rights-of-way. In addition, the Council has acted as an advisory group to federal, state, and local agencies that have promulgated legislation affecting proper vegetation maintenance. The governing body has also intervened in cases where misleading or incorrect information could cause the industry to sustain severe penalties.
These activities are made possible by support and contributions from utility companies, chemical manufacturing and distribution firms, contractors, applicators, state highway departments, universities, and the US government.
By-Laws (updated 2022): Link here
Board of Directors, 2024-2025
President: Steve Lowe,
Vice President: Anna Davis,
Secretary: Jennifer Shaffer,
Treasurer: Matt Sink,
Board Members
Trent Ausherman: ArborMetrics,
Mark Donahue: Dominion Energy,
Jack Barnes: First Energy,
Chris Gosney: Asplundh,
Dustin Rhoades: Davey DRG,
Jesse Peery: Envu,
Kyle Simmons: Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative,
Ron Muir: First Energy,
Justin Stone: Davey DRG,
Chris Hudnall: Edko,
Josh Stedman: Wayne-White Electric Cooperative,
Executive Director
The board of directors is exploring the idea of a paid position as an Executive Director, this position would be part time. If you would like more information or know someone that would be interested, please let us know.
EIN 23-7291756, 501(c) (6)
Mountain Lake Vegetation Management Council Incorporated is not an organization described in IRC Section 170 c, therefore donors can’t deduct contributions they make to this organization.
- 501c6 organizations can accept donations, but these gifts are not tax-deductible as charitable donations.
- For 501c6 organizations, membership fees are tax-deductible. But it is only members who can claim these fees as business expenses.